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Publishing Basics Indies Should Know

Public Relations Services

Today there are millions of books published every year.  Everyone has access to the tools to publish.  However, if you don’t know how to use them properly, you could lose money and time.  For the next few weeks we will provide information on publishing basics and other tricks of the trade you need to know.

Choosing a Publishing Method

Writers have many choices when it comes to selecting a publishing method.  They can:

  1. Query agents to get presented to traditional publishers
  2. Submit directly to indie presses that accept unsolicited submissions
  3. Partner with a hybrid publisher that will handle all of the details, but writers help pay the costs of production
  4. Self-publish through Amazon, Book Baby, Ingram Spark, or Lulu
  5. Self-publish using their own editing/design team and upload the title to selling platforms on their own

Publishing Basics

No matter how you choose to publish, you will save time and money by remembering a few publishing basics.


There are three major types of editing, Developmental, Copyediting/Line editing, and Proofreading.

  • Developmental is what helps put the book together into a cohesive narrative with a rich plot and characters.
  • Generally, copyediting is for making sure the narrative is consistent, gramatically correct, and that there are no glaring mistakes. It’s jarring to read a book with a protagonist named David, and then later he is referred to as Daniel, oops.  It happens.
  • Proofreading is for catching those typos, commas, double words, missed words, and other smaller details.

Cost: $30 – $75/hr, depending on the type of editing.  You will find editors earning much more, but your can find legitimate help at more reasonable price points.


Jackets are designed with a front cover first and then a full spread to wrap around the pages.  Interiors are also designed and digitally typeset.  If you have a table of contents, your interior designer will help paginate correctly.  Some people try to use AI tools to generate jackets.  There are also tools on Ingram Spark and Kindle Direct Publishing that can help you DIY.

Cost: Jackets $750 and up; Interior $1,000 and up depending on the length of the book and how complex the interior is.  If you do your own research you may find less expensive designers for different genres.  Then there is Fiverr, but that’s a mixed bag.

Copyright page: 

Please go to the bookstore or your shelves, and look at the interiors of other books published by traditional companies.  Copy their format so your page looks professional.  Sign up for an identifier with the Library of Congress (LOC) so a librarian will know how to shelve the book.

Cost: Free.  You do not have to pay for an LOC number and researching format will only cost you time.

Other publishing basics include getting ISBNs and bar codes for printed books.  Everything you need to know about these things you can find at Bowker.

Compare your book to the ones that catch your eye in a bookstore, so you know your book presents a professional package.  All titles require publishing basics and if writers decide to skip them, book buyers will know.

For more information on How to Publish check out our blog page and search “publishing” and “self-publishing”

“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
― Mark Twain